Transform your break-up or divorce into a Conscious Uncoupling

This isn’t what you planned for, but I can help you come out the other side feeling whole and able to move forward with your new life.

Conscious Uncoupling

Divorce is hard. Deciding to look for a Divorce Coach is hard. Finding the right one might be the hardest part. Conscious Uncoupling Coaching can help turn painful break-ups into powerful breakthroughs

Part of being the best parent you can be is having the most intentional, considerate, and wise break-up you can have. Using the model that Katherine Woodward Thomas laid out in her book, Conscious Uncoupling, we can work together to see that everyone’s needs are met as best as possible: your needs; your uncoupling-partner’s needs; and most of all, your kids’ needs.

The Conscious Uncoupling model can profoundly change your life for the better. Katherine has been an exacting and powerful teacher in training me as a Conscious Uncoupling coach. I continue to learn from her and improve my capacity to coach and help you at this hugely challenging time.

Conscious Uncoupling provides…

  • A 5-Step process for how to end a romantic union in honorable, gracious, and respectful ways
  • A step-by-step road map for how to break up in a way that does minimal damage to all involved
  • A clear guide for how separating couples can create new, cooperative, and life-affirming agreements and structures that set everyone up to win moving forward and to living happily even after.


The Conscious Uncoupling Coaching program is made up of eight, 90-minute sessions.

As a conscious uncoupling coach, I guide individuals through the transformative journey of ending a relationship in a healthy and empowering way. Here are the 5 steps of conscious uncoupling:

Step One: Discover Emotional Freedom – In this step, we delve deep into your emotions and provide a safe space for you to express and process them. Together, we work on finding emotional freedom by letting go of pain, resentment, and blame.

Step Two: Reclaim Your Power and Rediscover Yourself – This step is all about reclaiming your personal power and rediscovering who you are outside of the relationship. We explore your passions, strengths, and values to help you rebuild your identity and create a fulfilling life on your own terms.

Step Three: Heal Your Heart and Break Old Patterns – In this step, we address any past wounds and patterns that may be influencing your relationships. We work on healing your heart and breaking free from repetitive cycles, allowing you to move forward with a renewed sense of self and healthier relationship dynamics.

Step Four: Embrace Transformation and Empowerment – This step focuses on embracing transformation and becoming an empowered individual. We cultivate self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion, empowering you to create the love and life you desire.

Step Five: Design Your New Beginning – In the final step, we co-create a vision for your future and develop a plan to manifest it. We explore your goals, dreams, and aspirations, and set actionable steps to create a new beginning that aligns with your authentic self.

By embracing these 5 steps of conscious uncoupling, you can embark on a journey of healing, growth, and self-discovery. Together, we’ll navigate the challenges and empower you to consciously create a new chapter filled with happiness, fulfillment, and love.


The Conscious Uncoupling Coaching program is made up of eight, 90-minute sessions.

Wherever You Are All Coaching Sessions Can be Via Zoom or Skype